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  1. **高效检票**:采用先进的识别技术,能够快速准确地验证门票真伪,大大缩短了游客的入场时间。

  2. **灵活配置**:根据展览馆的场地布局和人流预测,我们合理配置了闸机数量和位置,确保人流分布均匀,避免拥堵。

  3. **多种支付方式**:支持现金、银行卡、移动支付等多种支付方式,满足不同游客的支付需求。

  4. **实时监控**:通过云端管理系统,展览馆可以实时监控闸机运行状态和人流数据,为运营决策提供依据。



  - **游客满意度高**:许多游客表示,通过闸机检票非常方便快捷,大大节省了排队时间,让他们能够更快地进入展览区域,享受艺术盛宴。

  - **运营效率提升**:展览馆方面表示,通过云端管理系统,他们能够实时掌握人流情况,及时调整运营策略,确保了展览的顺利进行。

  - **安全保障有力**:闸机设备还具备防尾随、反向闯入等安全功能,有效防止了未经授权的游客进入展览区域,保障了展品和游客的安全。

  - **成本控制得当**:通过短期租赁方式,展览馆无需投入大量资金购买闸机设备,降低了运营成本,同时也避免了设备闲置的问题。





  **Successful Case of Channel Toll and Ticket Checking Gate Rental in Liaocheng, Shandong**

  In Liaocheng, Shandong Province, with the frequent holding of various events, how to efficiently and conveniently manage pedestrian flow and ensure the safe and orderly conduct of activities has become a common challenge for organizers. Recently, a large cultural exhibition hall in Liaocheng successfully held an international art exhibition for three days, attracting tens of thousands of citizens and tourists. The success of this exhibition was inseparable from the rental service of channel toll and ticket checking gates provided by Yuantong Rental. Through our short-term rental service, the exhibition hall not only solved the problem of pedestrian flow management but also improved overall operational efficiency, winning widespread praise.

  **Customer Needs Background**

  This international art exhibition was of great scale, with exhibits from many countries around the world, covering various art forms such as painting, sculpture, and photography. Due to the exhibitions high profile and influence, it was expected that the number of visitors would far exceed previous exhibitions. To ensure the smooth progress of the exhibition, the exhibition hall urgently needed an efficient and accurate ticket checking system to cope with the influx of large pedestrian flows, while also achieving rapid ticket validation and toll collection.

  **Yuantong Rental Solution**

  After understanding the exhibition halls needs, Yuantong Rental quickly responded and tailored a rental solution for channel toll and ticket checking gates. The gate equipment we provided had the following characteristics:

  1. **Efficient Ticket Checking**: Using advanced recognition technology, it could quickly and accurately verify the authenticity of tickets, greatly shortening visitors entry time.

  2. **Flexible Configuration**: Based on the exhibition halls venue layout and pedestrian flow predictions, we reasonably configured the number and location of gates to ensure a uniform distribution of pedestrian


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